The real staff of Gadsden C.P. is found sitting in the pews because an important part of our church is the desire to be a place where every person is ministered to and every member is a minister. There are a few of us though that give a special focus to making sure our ministries stay great.
Rev. Daniel Barkley
Church Pastor
Daniel and his wife Jamie love this body of believers and that makes leading worship, caring for members and watching over the ministries of the church a true joy. Daniel believes that growing churches are filled with growing people. He's always asking if there is something more we can be or do as followers of Jesus Christ.
David Gramling
Worship Leader
David Gramling is a lifelong Cumberland Presbyterian, having grown up in the Gadsden CP Church. David loves music and loves leading the congregation in our musical worship of the Lord.
Debbie Bobo
Children's Director
The hard work of making sure that every child has a place with solid biblical lessons and a good dose of fun every Sunday morning and Wednesday night is being done by Debbie Bobo. Debbie loves God and every moment she spends with the children is saturated with spirit filled instruction and fun.
Betty Jo Bone
Church Secretary
It takes a lot of behind the scenes work to make sure everyone has what they need for worship and knows what's going on in and around the congregation. Betty Jo is the one to thank for these things. If you have a prayer request, an announcement for Sunday, or anything else then Betty Jo will be there to help. You can find her in the church office Monday through Thursday from 8a-12p.

Jonathan Edwards
Youth Director
The youth of our church and community love learning from Jonathan. His love and passion for the Lord is evident in everything he does. And he certainly is not afraid to jump right in with whatever the kids are doing, from riding roller coasters to white water rafting, or washing cars and serving breakfast for the church. Jonathan and his family, wife Amy and daughter Gracie are wonderful servants of God.